In this pivotal inner-transformation
20-21 Dec moment… Let's bring our
Shared Humanity
for Six Generations to come,

Remembering who we Truly are
Why each one of us is here, alive at this time.

Solstice Alchemy of the Elements: Meditation & Community Ritual

with Tridacna of DAMANHUR Underground Temples of Humankind

Humbly at your service -

2023 Recharging Health Community Ritual:

  • Vital Energies;

  • Social Alchemy, and

  • Self-Remembrance.

‘‘When you dive deep, it's very difficult to be superficial afterward, with yourself and the world around you’’

Alchemy, or the magician’s Path of the ‘Inner Oracle’ reveals a non-destructive humankind trajectory,

a timeline where each one of us, each willing Solstice participant, can help humanity thrive by remembering our true essence.

With community rituals rooted in deep esoteric knowledge, together we can be part of the potent solution. Northern Italy’s wisdom has been an Alchemical Knowledge Transfer for centuries, now bringing the magic of many traditions and native Shamanic Elders from around the globe. Thank You Damanhur!

The Elder from Italy's Damanhur, who is facilitating this year's Solstice night Circle
as we dive deeper into our Celtic Christmas roots & overnight communal celebration:

BIO, Tridacna Belladonna, Dr

Tridacna has lived in the spiritual eco-community of Damanhur since 1989.

Her practice spans more than 30 years with a broad scope of healing methods. She has a PhD in Psychology. Works as a psychotherapist, specialising in Jungian psychodrama, nonverbal communication, psychomotricity, music drama, art & music therapy.

She is a researcher with a wealth of experience in the psychiatric field, having worked for a long time in the National Health Service in Italy.

Tridacna has given many talks at various global health conferences, receiving health and wellness research grants.

Since 1992 she has been a teacher in Damanhur University. She has been one of their ambassadors internationally, facilitating the spreading of esoteric knowledge in many countries such as Germany, Croatia, Austria, Norway, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Australia.

Tridacna specialises in the knowledge of Alchemy, Inner Personalities, Healing, Path of the Quests, Interpretation of Star Drawing, Language of the Plants, Ancient Civilizations, Death & Dying, and Masculine & Feminine dynamics.

The energetic field of healing by Damanhurians has been one of her specific paradigms of research. The results have been used within the Damanhurian Spiritual Healing Schools for many years.

Selfica Spiritual Technology :: Damanhur

Tridacna has guided many people in the treatment of pain and alleviation of psychological and physical disorders. Through the Damanhur healing methods of Selfica* accessing the energetic microlines that run through the body she supports accelerated healing of various kinds of ailments.

Using star drawing to unpack dream and personality interpretation she can read into the deepest parts of people connecting them to their deepest aspects of spirit. And with mediumship diagnosis, she harmonises the body's organs through direct communication on an energetic and psychosomatic level.

This Solstice Meditation circle is indoors. Alchemists / Beginners welcome